How many teeth do we actually have?
Through our life we have two sets of teeth. One consists of deciduous teeth, known as milk teeth or baby teeth, and one set of permanent teeth, after you lose your baby teeth. But how many teeth do do we actually have? How many teeth do kids and adults have and how many of those do they lose throughout their lives? Here are the answers.
Kids get their teeth at various times. While some may get their first tooth when they are three months old, others may get their first when they turn one. There have also been cases where babies have been born with a visible tooth. In addition, the mineralization of milk teeth actually begins between week 14 and week 18 of a mother’s the pregnancy.
In total a child has 20 milk teeth, which are eight incisors, four canine teeth, four premolar teeth and four molar teeth.
The replacement of milk teeth usually begins around age six, but it is not uncommon for it to begin at the age of five for some. The replacement of these lasts until the age of 14. The process of shedding milk teeth and their replacement by permanent teeth is called exfoliation.
All milk teeth will eventually loosen and fall out. They are then replaced with a permanent set of teeth.
In most cases all permanent teeth will be fully grown out by the age of 14, but of course this may vary from individual to individual. Normally an adult will have 32 teeth. This includes the four wisdom teeth that usually come between the age of 17 and 22. However, not everyone gets these, so without them you will have only 28. Others have to have them removed for various reasons.
• Incisors: Incisors are your front teeth, there are four of them in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. These are adjusted to cut and tear, and are therefore used to tear of little bites.
• Canines: The canines are located at the corners of the dental arches. They have a sharp, pointed biting surface. Their function is to grip and tear food. There are two canines in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw.
• The molars are the largest of the teeth and are primarily used to chew, crush and grind food. They have a large flat biting surface. Adults have 20 molars in total.
Taking care of your teeth is important for your overall dental hygiene. This will also leave you with a healthy smile.
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